Narendra Modi – A Symbol Of Hope And Trust

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has entered twentieth year serving as head of government on 7th October 2020. On 7th October 2001, he was sworn-in as Chief Minister of Gujarat for the first time and thereafter he led the State to new heights winning the trust of the people again and again. He served Gujarat […]
Narendra Modi symbolizes aspirations & hopes of millions

On the completion of two phases of voting, it appears re-assuring to everyone that democracy is thriving in our country as people continue to vote in large numbers. The huge percentage of polling also indicates the fact that India has not only matured as a democracy but it represents an aspirational nation seeking to make […]
देश का विश्वास नरेन्द्र मोदी के साथ

जैसा कि पूर्वानुमान था, संसद में अविश्वास प्रस्ताव भारी मत से गिर गया। पूर्वानुमानों से भी बड़ी बात यह रही कि किसी ने सोचा नहीं था कि अंतर इतना बड़ा होगा। यदि कांग्रेस को पहले यह आभास हो जाता कि इस प्रस्ताव की यह दुर्गति होने वाली है, तब वह शायद सपने में भी इसके […]
Nation’s firm faith in Narendra Modi reflected in parliament

As expected, no-confidence motion stands defeated in parliament. What went beyond expectation was the overwhelming majority with which it was defeated – a whopping two third present on the floor favoured the rejection of the motion. Had the Congress led Opposition foreseen this huge margin of defeat, it would have desisted from backing the motion […]