A budget for technology driven, knowledge-based ‘Aatmnirbhar economy’

The first budget of the ‘Amrit Kaal’ has reiterated the resolve of the nation to fulfil its aspirations for a developed and prosperous India in the next 25 years. As Budget 2023-24 lays the foundation for a glorious future, its inclusive approach to empowering and strengthening the poor, the deprived, farmers, laborers, the middle class, […]
A Budget For ‘Aatmnirbhar Arthvyavastha’

The Budget 2022 represents an aspiring India which believes in bold initiatives and is ready to scale newer heights even in the face of the multiple challenges posed by the prolonged period of the COVID-19 pandemic. It should be held as a budget which not only consolidates the policy initiatives taken during the pandemic years […]
A budget for every Indian

It may appear unbelievable but it’s a reality now – in the last five years India has undergone a massive transformation on almost every front. It seems unbelievable for those who have gone through the UPA era of corruption, misrule, policy paralysis, scams and open loot of public money. The economic parameters during the Congress […]
A budget committed to the principles of Antyodaya

As the budget for the year 2018-19 was presented in the parliament, the roadmap of a strong, vibrant and prosperous India was laid before the nation. The interests of most deprived sections of the society, farmers, women, youth, senior citizens and infrastructure sector along with fiscal prudence and discipline were given priority in the budget. […]