BJP Parliamentary Party Office Secretary; National Convenor, BJP Publication Deptt.; Editor Kamal Sandesh (Hindi & English); BJP National Executive Member.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has entered twentieth year serving as head of government on 7th October 2020. On 7th October 2001, he was sworn-in as Chief Minister of Gujarat for the first time and thereafter he led the State to new heights winning the trust of the people again and again. He served Gujarat continuously as Chief Minister from 7th October 2001, winning overwhelming confidence of the people of the state for three times during 2002, 2007 and 2012 assembly elections. While the entire nation reposed faith on his leadership as Prime Minister of India in Lok Sabha elections 2014, he was given a mandate even bigger than 2014 in the Lok Sabha elections 2019. All these years are the years of charismatic leadership, nprecedented dynamism, visionary approach, exceptional hard work, relentless perseverance and indomitable spirit culminating into huge successes and massive achievements.

While under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi, Gujarat emerged as a model of good governance and development, it also presented an extraordinary vision of futuristic growth and progress. As the State kept scaling new heights, the ‘Gujarat Model’ began to inspire India. It was the time when India was marred by misrule, policy paralysis, high inflation and low growth rate, corruption and loot of public money under the Congress led UPA rule which created an atmosphere of negativity and pessimism in the country. Amid such gloomy scenario, Gujarat under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi became a symbol of hope and trust. People across India started looking at Shri Narendra Modi as a leader who can not only save the nation but was capable of taking the country to new heights. It was under such circumstances that after a period of three decades any political party was given full majority heralding an era of massive transformation in the country.

The massive verdict in favour of BJP led NDA under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi with BJP getting full majority in the Lok Sabha resulted in establishment of the politics of performance, good governance and development. As Shri Narendra Modi had promised that his government was to be committed to the interests of poor, deprived, oppressed, women, SCs and STs, the nation saw the principle of ‘Antyodaya’ getting implemented on ground under a corruption free regime. The change in the life of poor, deprived and oppressed was brought by a system delivery mechanism which brought innovative welfare schemes at the door of the poor providing them relief, empowering them and making them an asset in the nation building process. The nation started experiencing all round development while getting recognized globally for its achievements. Under the strong and determined leadership of Shri Narendra Modi, a confident India not only defended its borders by giving befitting reply to its enemies but gained unprecedented global stature in the comity of the nations.

The massive achievements of the first tenure of Modi government were blessed by the people of India with even bigger mandate in Lok Sabha elections 2019. The country which has witnessed many historic decisions by Shri Narendra Modi transforming every sector of economy, agricultural sector and rural economy while strengthening India as a great nation is moving towards an ‘Aatmnirbhar Bharat’. As Shri Narendra Modi enters twentieth year as head of government, entire nation sees him as a symbol of hope and trust committed to take the nation to new heights every day. India is set to make unprecedented strides under his charismatic, visionary and dynamic leadership.


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