BJP Parliamentary Party Office Secretary; National Convenor, BJP Publication Deptt.; Editor Kamal Sandesh (Hindi & English); BJP National Executive Member.

In the visionary and dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, India is getting a string of remarkable successes one after another. These successes are getting acknowledged globally as incredible feats making the entire world look at India with awe and amazement. India is soaring higher and higher and set to claim its long due place in the years to come. It was not far back that the country was plagued by corruption, misrule, policy paralysis and loot of public money under the Congress led UPA regime and the future appeared bleak amid a pessimistic ambience.

The five years of hard work, untiring endeavours, innovative ideas, corruption free government and commitment to make India a great nation has led the country not only on the path of recovery but has enabled the entire nation to chart a new course of glory and greatness. The Prime Minister is leading the nation in its onward journey to a new horizon inspiring the people in dedicating themselves in the service of Maa Bharati.

The first fifty days of the second tenure of the Modi government has created a new ambience of hope and trust in the country. The manner in which both houses of the parliament has functioned in the current session in becoming the highest productive session so far has instilled a new confidence in the people of India reinforcing their faith in the parliamentary politics of the country. It resulted in many crucial bills being debated and passed by the parliament paving the way for reforms in governance. The Modi government while fulfilling its commitment to the farmers, continued its pro farmer policies with the aim of doubling their income by 2022.

The substantial hike in the MSP for kharif crops and extension to PM KISAN scheme by covering all the farmers in the country has further empowered the farming community in the country. The announcement of a set of labour reforms is not only set to benefit 49 crore workers but also make Indian economy more hassle free while promoting the idea of ease of business.

The Modi government is committed to build 1.95 crore pucca houses by 2022 while providing gas and electricity connections to all the rural households in the same period. In fact, by focussing on the rural sector and the farming community the Modi government has immensely strengthened the base of Indian economy which was hitherto neglected. It has not only brought relief to a large number of families but empowered the poorest of the poor in the true spirit of ‘Antyodaya’.

The ‘Speed, Scale and Skill’ employed in delivering the fruits of innovative programmes and projects of the government to the poorest of the poor in the society has resulted in strengthening the Indian economy in such a way that it can now confidently aspire to become a 5 USD trillion economy by 2024. It was the vision and charismatic leadership of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi that India is not only setting the goals that appeared unachievable till few years back but also achieving the goals even before the deadlines. India has become a nation having people not only with aspirations but a nation of achievers also. The successful launch of Chandrayaan-II represents a nation which is confident of its capabilities and has the courage to break new frontiers. As the capabilities of India is getting acknowledged across the world, the Modi government is boldly proclaiming its policies in national interests in almost every sector of the society.

The Home Minister Shri Amit Shah’s address to the parliament on Jammu & Kashmir and NIA shows an uncompromising nation which is determined and confident. The rise of India is significant as this rise is seen in the context of two consecutive massive mandates given to Shri Narendra Modi who has led the nation from the front bringing all round success to the country. And now India is on the journey from a nation of aspirations to a nation of achievers.


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