BJP Parliamentary Party Office Secretary; National Convenor, BJP Publication Deptt.; Editor Kamal Sandesh (Hindi & English); BJP National Executive Member.

India is making its significance felt globally. On almost all parameters of good governance and development India is able to improve its performance considerably. In the charismatic leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the world is looking at India with immense hope and expectation. Gone are the days when India was seen as a country steeped in policy paralysis, migovernance and corruption and ruled by self seeking and power centric politicians. The image of India under Congress led UPA had dipped creating uninspiring future for the country lacking zeal for reform and development. This image has been completely transformed under the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s leadership. India is now not only the fastest growing economy in the world but considered ‘a bright star’ amid gloomy global scenario. India’s power is getting recognized across the world with most of the global agencies acknowledging the emergence of a strong India.

India’s emergence in the last four and half years is the result of untiring and sustained efforts made under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The initiatives taken under his dynamic leadership have ushered in a remarkable transformation sweeping the entire country. One can look at any field – economy, foreign policy, external and internal security, infrastructure, rural development, urban development – and almost in every sphere one can see the wave of transformation making unimaginable impact. The acceptance of 14th Finance Commission recommendation to mega reformative interventions like Demonetization and GST have completely transformed the face of Indian economy. These bold measures have not only led to greater formalization of Indian economy but also increased the collection of Direct and Indirect taxes making large revenues available for immensely transforming rural and social sectors of the country. It has also made available massive revenues to state governments on the line of decentralisation of Indian economy with financially empowered states of the Indian union.

While giving the country a much sought after gift of a corruption free government, Prime Minister Modi has embarked upon a war on black money, scams and leakage of public money in various developmental schemes. The first cabinet decision of constituting an SIT into black money was a clear and strong message to the scamsters, money launderers and corrupt elements in the country. By enacting a series of legislative measures not only many sectors which had become a safe haven of black money now made to follow the government rules and regulations but they have brought huge relief to the people who were continuously cheated by corrupt elements. The Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) has empowered the poor of the country who are now getting the benefits of the government schemes directly. These steps along with major reform initiatives like Demonetization and GST have led to greater formalization of Indian economy, more revenues for welfare of the poor, launching of innovative programmes for people and transformation of almost every section of the economy.

The result of these continous works can be seen in the global recognition. Almost every international agency and UN bodies like IMF and World Bank are acknowledging the great achievements of India within a short span of four and half years. As India has become sixth largest economy of the world edging out France, it is an achievement which has seen India catapulting itself from ninth position in 2014. India is registered remarkable feat of jumping unimaginable heights in ‘Ease of Doing Business’ as WHO recognizes its ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ for its boundless possibilities. On almost every front India has registered stunning growth while a large number of innovative programmes are bringing smile on the faces of poor, deprives, farmers, SCs, STs, OBCs, women and youth. India is on the road of gaining heights which ware unthinkable till few years back. The visionary and dynamic leadership of Shri Narendra Modi is set to take India to newer heights in the days to come.


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