BJP Parliamentary Party Office Secretary; National Convenor, BJP Publication Deptt.; Editor Kamal Sandesh (Hindi & English); BJP National Executive Member.

While people are celebrating the completion of four years of BJP led NDA government at the centre, nation can look back with hope and satisfaction. No one will deny that India is now out of the appalling phase of corruption, misgovernance, policy paralysis, economic decline and downward trends on every front under Congress led UPA and moving forward under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi . Who can forget the era of Congress led UPA government when every day newspapers used to be replete with stories of new scams and loot of public money along with double digit inflation and declining rate of economic growth. The phrase, ‘policy paralysis’ was coined to characterize the prevailing atmosphere of indecision on crucial issues due to lack of unity in command as different ministries moved in different direction and even in opposition to each other signifying multiple power centres. In an environment of pessimism that was created in the country people started losing hope for the future and trust of the common man in the political system started to wane. Today, as India is ready to proudly proclaim its deserved position on international forums, people are full of hope with their trust restored in the political system. Every Indian is filled with a sense of achievement and confidence that the nation is marching towards a bright future.

The charismatic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a new direction to the country under his visionary programmes and policies. As the Indian economy has today become the fastest growing economy in the world, it has also become an attractive destination for investments endorsing its bright prospects. While inflation is under control the bold decisions like Demonetization and GST have further improved the economic scenario by substantially increasing strengthening the formal economy and facilitating the idea of ease of doing business. In the field of agriculture increasing MSP by one and half of the production cost is going to revolutionise this sector. An umbrella arrangement of crop insurance, agricultural loans, creation of irrigation facilities, better seeds and availability of fertilizers, solar pumps along with social security net of every section of the society is set to revitalize agriculture and rural sector. The commitment towards, poor and deprived can been seen in every government scheme leading to huge transformation in the lives of people. As every village is now connected to the power grid, the government is working day and night to provide electricity to every home. The Ayushman Bharat recently launched by Prime Minister is slated to give health security to 10 crore households making almost half of the population healthwise secure.Now every poor has a Jan Dhan Bank account, women are having cooking gas connection, toilet, social security and high quality health facilities. Apart from these a large number of reform initiatives are transforming the entire country with a new work culture and zeal for development and good governance in the country.

The four years of Modi government has given such an impetus to national aspirations that was not to be seen under the long spell of Congress rule. While the nation is filled with a sense of self pride, it’s also finding global recognitions for its achievements and its aspirations are getting acknowledged at international forums. The strong leadership of Narendra Modi can be seen in the newfound confidence in the security forces that are giving befitting replies to the subversive elements and brought glory to the nation by their daring surgical strike across the borders. The nation is witnessing all round development and ground breaking policy initiatives on almost every fronts securing the future of poor, Dalits, SC/STs, women, youth and other vulnerable sections of the society. The last four years have seen a government dedicated to the service of Maa Bahrati seeking to bring highest glory to the people of India.


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