BJP Parliamentary Party Office Secretary; National Convenor, BJP Publication Deptt.; Editor Kamal Sandesh (Hindi & English); BJP National Executive Member.

38th Foundation Day: 6 April, 2018

As BJP rededicates itself to the goals of national reconstruction on its 38th Foundation Day on 6th April 2018, it can draw satisfaction for its remarkable achievements. Its achievements spanning from ideological to organisational and electoral milestones have left indelible imprint in the page of history. A party which is known for its ideological commitment and principled politics has created its exclusive place in the politics of India. As an organisation with more than eleven crore members, it is today the largest political organisation in the world. So far electoral success is concerned; it has under the leadership of Narendra Modi won the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 with clear majority. It was after three decades that a single party could gain majority at the Centre. Not only this, elections after elections it won assemblies to form governments in 22 states in the country. From panchayats to parliament people have been reposing immense faith in BJP entrusting it with their hopes and aspirations. All these achievements are not only remarkable but seems miraculous for those who have seen it growing from two seats in parliament to full majority today with governments in 22 states. It has changed the political landscape of the country forever and emerged as centre of Indian politics.

BJP has become a symbol of hope for the masses of the country. After independence Congress was seen as a party which could have delivered the country from the ills that afflicted from centuries of foreign oppression and subjugation. But as Congress deviated from the lofty ideals of national movement and indulged in power centric and dynastic politics, it started to represent corruption, misrule and policy paralysis with its directionless and faulty policies on every front. It stooped to the level of imposing emergency on the country while strangulating democracy and fundamental rights of the people. Later it reduced itself to a party trying to somehow remain clinging to the power and promoting dynastic and corrupt rule in the country through its divisive politics. BJP emerged as a solution to all the problems that afflicted the nation by centuries of alien rule which was later perpetuated under Congress rule. While it led a glorious struggle against emergency, it relentlessly fought against corruption and misrule of Congress.

Whenever it got opportunity to serve the people, its governments in different states presented a model for others to emulate. The excellent performance of its governments in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh created new dimensions in development and good governance. The BJP led NDA government at the centre under Prime Ministership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee led the nation to new heights registering remarkable achievements on every fronts. After a gap of ten years of corruption, misrule and policy paralysis under Congress led UPA, people again gave massive support to BJP led NDA under the leadership of Narendra Modi giving full majority to BJP. Since then the nation is witnessing a new era of transformation facilitated by hard work, corruption free and visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The nation is now leaping forward with a newfound zeal under the dynamic and visionary leadership of PM Narendra Modi. BJP is moving ahead with the mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ to build ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’. BJP National President Amit Shah has rightly said that it’s a huge opportunity to rebuild the country as we have the world’s most popular leadership commanding immense faith of the people. The guiding principle of ‘reform, perform and transform’ has created an ambience of the politics of performance defeating the divisive forces of casteism, communalism and regionalism. On the occasion of the 38th Foundation Day, every karyakarta of BJP has to renew the pledge to rededicate himself to the service of Maa Bharati and take India to a glorious future.

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